myPinballs Electronics is proud to provide this site where we share information and documents to aid the support and maintenance of original Zidware Magic Girl Games. Information on software and hardware upgrades will also be updated here.

The current software revision is: VERSION 0.9.0
The current build date is: 31/08/23

Magicgirl Shot Map

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Shot Map (From Left To Right)

  1. Multiball Lock - Left/Right Inlane/Outlane
  2. Jinx Wheel - Left Outlane
  3. Lion saw
  4. Newton chamber (captive ball)
  5. Left Loop (Wizard Lane)
  6. Potion Mixer
  7. Left Ramp Entry (Swirl Ramp) & Lock Lit Lamp
  8. Owl Target (captive ball)
  9. Kings Chamber (Centre) & Path to Upper Playfield
  10. Poof Post (Up Post)
  11. Magic Power Lamps
  12. Levitate Feature (Lightning Flashers)
  13. Magic Shoppe (Scoop)
  14. Hare/Million Target
  15. Kings/Queens Bonus X - Top lanes
  16. Power Playfield (Magnetic Flippers)
  17. Jet Bumpers
  18. Right Loop
  19. Magnetic Jet Bumper (Hare)
  20. Tesla Subway
  21. Mystery/Coin target
  22. Magna Save - Right Outlane
  23. Skill Shot (Shooter Lane)
  24. Diamond Magi Lamps
  25. Mystic Battle Lamp
  26. Multiball Jackpot Lamps
  27. Main Game Progress Lamps (All Solid for Wizard Mode)

Read the Full Rule Sheet (v1.8)
View the Coil & Flasher Table (v1.2)
View the Switch Matrix Table (v12)