This is the update log for our Indiana Jones Pinball Software Rewrite. Updates can be downloaded from the update area if you have our upgrade kit and are registered on our site. Updating is a simple process using any modern usb stick.
Insert Cards v1.0
Detailed Rulesheet v1.03
Pinside Chat
Update v0.8.0 |
- Added new mode for 4th film section - Nuke Test
- Added new mode for 4th film section - Return The Skull
- Re-ordered the 4th film modes to accommodate the new modes and keep the order closer tot he film running order
- Ringmaster mode is now secret option/alternative when starting Jones vs Aliens
- Fixed the lampshow files to accommodate the new mode order and naming
- Update the main config files to accommodate the new mode names, lamps mainly
- Added a new super jackpot is lit graphic screen
- Fixed some jackpot scoring display bugs
- Added more colour to the jackpot screen display score effects
- Improved monkey brains intelligence with handling the temple and lock ready scenarios when mode ends
- Fixed a nasty crash bug that was present in the mystery award logic. Rare but got called occasionally
- Fixed a crash bug when the games pause logic was implemented (from the tournament button). An old reference to the wms indy plane flashers was still in place, which do not exist in this game.
- Updated ball search logic to understand when the game is paused and not start cycling coils
Update v0.7.1 |
- Fixed a bug that could cause Choose Wisely to end immediately (when started immediately after a non timed mode)
- Fixed a bug that could cause random completion of unplayed modes after choose wisely ended immediately
- Fixed a bug with Choose wisely where you could repeatedly choose your selection resulting in overlayed graphics and speech calls
- Added trough test
- Fixed a possible crash bug with Castle Brunwald where the mode count flag was not resetting properly after a game
- Added support for raspberry pi computer hardware (model 3b+ only)
- Added new desktop support for raspberry pi computers (model 3b+ only)
- Fixed a bug that caused the score on warehouse raid to add 1 point extra than it should, making the general score and match display look odd
- Fixed a typo with Ringmaster mode startup help text
- Improved Minecart mode and barrier interaction of all turns
- Improved Minecart mode and barrier frame sync speed after half way point
- Fixed a bug in Minecart where a barrier could be stuck on after the mode was run once
- Fixed a bug with the ball search where it could be enabled during long bonus calcs and possibly mess up the trough logic
- Improved Mode Start map graphics so that modes start from the correct location on the map instead of always being South America
- Improved mode start map so that completed modes are hilighted with a solid green dot instead of always being flashing red
Update v0.7.0 |
- Added Path Of Adventure Mode. Shot Right Ramp to Start when ADVENTURE letters are completed
- Improved randomness of Choose Wisely sequencing
- Improved Speech sync in Choose Wisely for 'Chosen Poorly'
- Fix a bug that could cause a mode to end as soon as started (Another one!)
- Improved the timing for ball eject when Get the idol is completed
- Improved the Flasher use for POA ready and Adventure Continue
- Fixed an issue with Warehouse Raid where the multiball ball save wasnt working for the 1st ball drained
- Improved interaction with starting a mode and adventures that are continuing
- Improved the eject from the grail scoop after video modes are finished. Eject now runs same as other ejects and with the proper delay.
- Added some extra clearing of tracking flags for multiball end where the players ball ends before multiball has a chance to be properly started. This could have caused extra balls to be served and autolaunched to the next player on a multiplayer game. Rare event but still possible!
- Fixed a bug with some music scene restarts where the wrong music was being restarted
Update v0.6.2 |
- Fixed an issue where the playfield lamps would not update properly after a successful skill shot
- Fixed an Issue with the start & tournament button being flashed within attract lamp show patterns
- Improved the flashing of the start button to signify game ready for free play and also coins
- Fixed an issue where the attract lamp shows would not restart after exiting the service mode
- Fixed an issue where the ADVENTURE lamps would still override active ark modes running resulting in missed graphics
- Improved the eject speed from the grail scoop whilst dog fight is running
- Improved flipper rules for better deactivation during video modes if flipper is held up at start
Update v0.6.1 |
- Fixed a crash bug with trough eject bounce back where the new skillshot mode would try to be added twice
- Improved the Ball Search mode to handle more bounce back scnearios - Though games should really be properly restored and stern's upgrade kit part no 520-5078-A4 fitted
- Improved ball search operation after game play ends
Update v0.6.0 |
- Changed game to store 5 balls in trough : Games must hold 5 balls in trough from now on
- Added Ark Test to service mode
- Added Ark integration to multiball mode - Yay!
- Added Ark Balls Store setting to Service mode: adjustable from 2-6
- Added Ark management to game
- Added Skillshot Mode
- Added service mode settings and test numbering
- Added an option to reset/clear all service mode audits
- Improved Ball Search
- Improved service mode settings adjustment ordering
- Improved 8ball lamp handling in Jones mode
- Improved super jackpot handling in multiball. Super Jackpot is now only available during the active multiball it was qualified in
- Improved system handling of corrupted game and setting data files. Files are now deleted and recreated from template automatically
- Improved super jackpot handling in multiball. Super Jackpot must now be achieved within the multiball mode it was qualified in
- Fixed a bug in Ringmaster where the main mode music would not start
- Fixed a bug where the jackpot speech call awards would not be called for >3X multiplier
- Fixed a crash bug in multiball where the regular jackpot was trying to be lit beyond the 4th on sucessive starts and not starting super jackpot
Update v0.5.2 |
- Fixed a problem with ball eject after Streets of Cairo completed via mode start shot
- Fixed a problem with ball eject after Get the Idol completed
- Fixed a bug with modes ending as soon as started on starting the second mode in a ball onwards
- Improved Streets of Cairo Lamp effects
- Improved Streets of Cairo completion animations interactions
Update v0.5.1 |
- Improved Trough ball kickout logic if power is off when ball start is first called
- Improved interaction and shot selection help from Monkey on screen for Streets of Cairo
- Improved mode bonus interaction with Get the Idol completion animations
- Improved timing for combo shot on right loop
- Added preliminary Spinner mode support - requires PROC firmware update
- Added New Homage Mode - Cirqus Voltaire Ringmaster Battle with MG references. Currently included as 3rd Kingdom mode, but will be moved to secret selection at alternative for Jones vs Aliens in next update
- Removed lane change option for right flipper on INDY lanes, was making it too hard to shoot the chosen lamp
- Fixed bug in POA adventure target awarding and mini set completions
- Fixed bug in Frankenstein 'hidden' mode target letters
- Fixed bug in mode select where chosen mode could end immediately after being started
- Fixed bug in INDY lanes where bonus could be set as 0
- Fixed bug in Loops where shot value could result in 0
Update v0.5.0 |
- Fixed an issue that caused a memory leak within the dmd display cleanup
- Fixed an issue with mode creation that caused unnecessary memory usage cross ball and game
- Fixed bugs in moonlight madness that caused a crash when mode was enabled
- Added Final Adventure mode for attempting/completing all scenes
- Added Combo shots
- Improvements to Jet mode. Super Jets added. Progress now stored cross ball. Flashers added
- Improvements to flashers active when video mode starts
- Fixed an issue with HOF that caused balls not to eject properly from the grail scoop
- Fixed a bug in main multiball that caused super jackpot to be lit too early
- Improvements to WOS interaction with totem multiball
- Improvements to WOS and mode bonus shots
- Fixed a bug with HOF that caused ball search to activate sometimes during the animations
- Improvements to POA sync with other modes
- Added pausing of mode timers whilst ball being locked for multiball
- Improvements to temple mech operation
- Fixed a bug in service mode that stopped active switches being shown when first entered
- Changed service mode sounds
- Improved screen start process so only 1 frameless board is drawn at boot up